We maintain a small flock of free range chickens that supply us with eggs. The birds in our flock are breeds specifically chosen for their ability to thrive in free ranging, cold weather conditions. They have their own hen house, but most of them prefer to roost in the barn with the goats. They do a great job of keeping the fly and tick population down and keeping the other animals in line.

We occasionally raise a small flock of heritage breed turkeys for meat, as well. Unlike the turkeys normally sold in grocery stores, heritage turkeys can fly, breed naturally and have a normal lifespan of up to 15 years. Our turkeys are raised on pasture and fed a natural diet of grains, fruit and vegetables free of hormones and antibiotics. They experience none of the stresses related to over crowding and transport that occur in large commercial establishments.
During the years that we choose to raise turkeys, we will have a very limited number of fresh turkeys for sale at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please call well in advance to ensure availability.