Serena Kinders Trude's Fantin
3rd Generation Kinder Buck
Sire: Serena Kinders Fantin la Tour
Dam: Serena Kinders Trude
Birthday: March 27, 2012
When I saw Fantin's sire, I knew that I wanted a buckling out of him. Lucky for me, he sired a buckling that looks just like him - Henri. This guy is a hunk! He is solid and well blended, with great width and nice length and depth of body. His sister, Triscuit, is also part of our herd. She has developed into an outstanding doe with excellent breed character. Henri's kids are showing strong consistency of dual purpose Kinder type. I expect him to improve udder attachments on the does he breeds, as well.
Henri's Parents:
Henri consistently stamps his kids with solid bone and smooth blending. His dam and full sister both have beautiful udders, and he seems to improve udders on many of his daughters. Here are some of Henri's offspring: